Presidential system or parliamentary system? What suits Pakistan the most?

2 min readSep 13, 2019


Presidential system or parliamentary system? What suits Pakistan the most?

Economic and political system in Pakistan has been mired by the rampant corruption since independence. If prime minister is thinking to change the political form of government from west minister to presidential one then it is not wrong instead it is a forgone conclusion of the problems of Pakistan. Parliamentary system has never been an inherent political system of Pakistan. We got this system from the Britain in legacy. Parliamentary system was best for Britain because British culture suits the system. Every system has its own inherent characteristics. Nonetheless, Pakistan must chose the system that suits its norms, culture, tendency, values and history. Such a political approach will uplift the crumbling political system of Pakistan. Either parliamentary or presidential system, there is a need of continuity coupled with stability to balance the political system of Pakistan. to apply the presidential system some preliminary steps are needed to be taken such as creating small units instead of big provinces so that no minority suffer. The nominal dominance of big provinces has eaten up the rights of small ethnicity. Small provinces and small units suits the presidential system. In the presidential system the quantity of votes does not matter but the quality. Members of the national parliament will be nominated by the concerned political party that will have a share in parliamentary seats on the basis of votes it received. It will be ensure the neutrality of parliamentarians as they will no longer be concerned about the quantity of votes. A president have the right to choose no elected members to make its cabinet. President is elected directly by the people whereas the prime minister is not directly elected by the people. We should not replicate the systems which are implemented in other countries because the alien things are always poignant and perturbing. The system must fit into the prevailing culture. It should be according to the needs, behaviors, norms, political approach and tendencies.




Millions of people are online. And some are offline. I m interested in the latter that why still they don't know about we rule through the good will.